Sydney, Australia
The medium price: 172 dollars/
a night
In 2009, Sydney was ranked at
number 38th in
standings of the most expensive cities. Since that, the city has risen again at
number 7th and it
is also due to the steady increase in value of the Australian dollar. It was
proved most clearly with the price of room and menu.
Tokyo in Japan
The medium price in hotel: 163
dollars/ a night
Light of Tokyo is like the
shiny bills. Like Singapore, Japan has overcome the global economic crisis
quite well in two years. On the ranking of most expensive cities, Tokyo fell
just 1 degree. Although visitors can find local food with reasonable price, but
a good hotel will make you surprised because of the price. In 2011 earthquake
and tsunami did not affect prices in 2012 and 2013.
Stockholm in Switzerland
The medium price in hotel: 190
dollars/ a night
Unlike neighboring countries,
Finland, Sweden affected by the economic crisis in Europe. Stockholm’s strong
economy has not only allowed the country to pass difficulties, but the price
and income in here increased from number 16th in 2009 to number 5th in the standing of Price and Income in the
list of most expensive city.
4. Copenhagen in Danish
The medium price in hotel: 174
dollars/ a night
Like Helsinki, the price of
Copenhagen was not affected by the economic crisis in Europe. Recently Price
and profitare reported that the capital of Denmark fell in only one place. So,
while you can find the antique shops of the city, restaurants and homey coffee
shop, then your wallet will not have to spend a lot of money. Guests will cost
much in the summer months because it was perfect weather for sightseeing. In
the winter there will be a discount season, but insignificantly.
3. Geneva in Switzerland
The medium price in hotel: 268
dollars/ a night
Switzerland seemsnot to be
affected by the economic crisis, namely Geneva city passed Copenhagen city and
it was ranked third in two years ago. Unlike the euro, Swiss franc is still
high values during the crisis, and the residents of the city have benefited
from generous salary. In fact, Switzerland paid the highest salary the world,
price of Geneva reflects the huge purchasing of the people.
Zurich in Switzerland
The medium price in hotel: 224
dollars/ a night
The average salary in
Switzerland is quite high, so residents in Zurich have welcomed tourists with
exorbitant bills. Unfortunately for the visitors, Zurich has no much promotion.
Prices changed constantly in summer when tourists travelling in the city to
enjoy a comfortable temperature and the interesting activities on the lake.
During the winter there is not any devaluation, cold weather attract to
tourists with the nearby Alps ski place. Price has decreased in a short time in
the spring and fall, but not much.
Oslo, Na Uy
The medium price in hotel: 169
dollars/ a night.
Oslo is located in the top of
expensive city but the price is less pleasant than other cities. The capital of
Norway was ranked first in the price report and income since 2006. Not only
high hotel prices, in 2009, the New York Times noted that a water bottle in
Oslo with 6 dollars. Money save tactics such as tourism in July or August when
most people are on holiday and don’t restrict the cost of a trip to Oslo.